Measuring Programme Outcome and Course Outcome
The classroom evaluation through questions, interaction, follow-up by viva in few respective project works shows learning progress of the students. It further creates rapport with students. The Semester end exam, internal exam, viva and results are evaluation method adopted by the institution as per University rules and cluster directions. The faculty wise and department wise results are analyzed by the Head of the department and discussed among the faculty members of respective subject. The subject related, topic related question, objective questions based on the subject are responded by the students. The relevance of topics, students’ ability to understand concept and application are the judged. The evaluation of answers, objective answers are the measures that are implemented in the assessment of the students. The principal takes reviews in the staff meeting from the teachers and ways to improve the results and learning in the real sense of the teaching. The analyses of the results are discussed among the staff and ways to improve the results. The teacher feedback, teaching related feedback is taken from the students to improve the communication and areas of concern. Application of knowledge on the learned subject, narration of concepts and relevance in practical life are tested by interaction and observation and discussed on among faculty members.